Study Portal
Trial Design & Patient Management
The study portal is dedicated to study investigators and clinicians, supporting any type of study; from small investigator-driven studies, up to sponsor-based multi-centre, multi-lingual randomized studies.
The study portal offers advanced features for study management:
Real-Time Access to data
Real-time monitor of your population's data from any device
Scedulling of Messages
Schedule notifications for every important step of your clinical research so as to ensure your endpoints
Population Behavioral Phenotypes
Unsupervised, automatic biomarker discovery in data and grouping of validated biomarkers into phenotypes
Audit Log
Monitor the activity in the platform and application through the audit log
User Roles & Permissions
Give roles & permissions to your research team
Instant Notification
Instant notifications can be sent whenever it is needed in order to inform the patient about treatment updates or visits
Chatbox communication
Investigator and subject can interact with a protocol assigned script
All types of questionnaires can be designed and scheduled to be sent to patients on the ePRO app
Reports & Analytics
Healthentia gives specific reports and analytics in customizable dashboards to view trial metrics the easiest way and have a clear view of population data to act upon
Population Tagging & Dynamic Lists
Catalogue your patients and find them easy by their personal characteristics or the clinical research they participate
Trial Design and management
Healthentia's integrated eCOA platform allows organizations to set up trials according to Protocol specifications and connect seamlessly with the ePRO and any wearable device given in the Trial. These are some of the key features:
Advanced Questionnaire builder and complex routing
ePRO questionnaire scheduler and messaging module
Auto-tagging subjects from questionnaire answers
Customizable Dashboards and BI tools for protocol endpoints
Subject management
Access your subjects lifestyle data and Outcomes
Healthentia's integrated eCOA platform allows organizations to set up trials according to Protocol specifications with the following key features
Follow protocol adherence real time
Get insights on protocol endpoints
Inform subjects on trial update
Unlock new insights from patient data
Population datapoints
Overview of a trial's key endpoints
In Healthentia we customize home dashboards related to the
Follow protocol adherence real time
Get insights on protocol endpoints
Inform subjects on trial update
Unlock new insights from patient data
Made for your Business
Have any question? Visit the contact page to reach out to us.
Healthentia is a medical decision support software developed by Innovation Sprint and intended to monitor and predict outcomes, offer virtual coaching services, and generate automatic alerts regarding events, based on Real World Data.
Healthentia is also used for Decentralized Clinical Trials (DCT, leveraging best-of-breed of eClinical studies features, such as eRecruitment, eConsent, teleconsultation/ televisit, ePRO-IoT integration, and virtual coaching. Healthentia empowers patients and gives them an active role in taking trial’s actions, rather than bringing them to the trial sites; thus facilitating clinical trial optimization, accelerating trial processes, reducing drop-out and failure rates, and validating drug/intervention efficacy and effectiveness with Real World Data insights. Healthentia is used by Top5 Pharma and large hospitals and operates under the strict regulatory framework of Good Clinical Practice.
- achieve cost savings
- accelerate the drug approval process
- obtain useful insights to develop drugs and interventions of higher efficacy
Run clinical trials smoothly, with data integrity and accuracy in data collection and enriched Quality data setsPatient Monitoring and collection of reported Outcomes in and out of hospitalReduced patient risks after hospital release
Medical Device Companies optimize the clinical trial process for your medical device and diagnostic equipment with healthentia platform.
Insurance companies need to offer more competitive health insurance products and the only way to do so is via personalization of their products. Healthentia can help offer a tool for insurance companies to collect lifestyle data and offer reduced fees.