Defining Behavioral Biomarkers and Phenotypes
The predictive capabilities of traditional, vital-based biomarkers on trial outcomes has been under investigation in clinical trials. However, Real World Data is much more than measured vitals: patient-reported outcomes and physical measurements from trial participants’ lifestyles can provide us with extended biomarkers. Can they be useful in predicting future patient-reported outcomes or even trial outcomes? Can they be used to model patients or to cluster them into behavioural phenotypes? These are questions addressed under the framework of the Sprint #3 workshop, where we will see how AI can support traditional industries, such as Life Sciences, as well as Health, Wellbeing and Ageing. We will also present commercial applications and R&D projects, discussing the challenges and opportunities through the introduction of AI.
Date and Time: Tuesday 17th December 2019, 9:00 – 15:00
Venue: University of Twente
09.00 – 09.30 |
Registration & Coffee |
09.30 – 09.45 |
Welcome notes by Prof.dr.ir. Hermie Hermens (University of Twente) & Dr. Sofoklis Kyriazakos (Innovation Sprint) |
09.45 – 10.10 |
Inspiring keynote, Christina Kyriakopoulou (European Commission, DG-RTD) |
10.10 – 10.35 |
Modeling a treatment protocol with little clinical data, Rom Langerak (University of Twente) |
10.35 – 10.50 |
Startup talk: Healthentia.com, Sofoklis Kyriazakos (Innovation Sprint) |
10.50 – 11.20 |
Startup talk: BowheadHealth.com, Francisco Diaz-Mitoma (Bowhead Health) |
11.20 – 11.50 |
Coffee break |
11.50 – 12.15 |
Defining Biomarkers & Behavioral Phenotypes, Alfredo Cesario & Aristodemos Pnevmatikakis (Innovation Sprint) |
12.15 – 12.40 |
MDR impact on Software as Medical Devices, Kyun Thibaut (COVARTIM) |
12.40 – 13.05 |
Generator project, Vincenzo Valentini (Policlinico Gemelli / UCSC) |
13.05 – 13.45 |
Lunch |
13.45 – 14.00 |
AI-driven clinical study APACHE (cervical cancer), Vincenzo Valentini (Policlinico Gemelli / UCSC) |
14.00 – 14.15 |
AI-driven clinical study PADAWAN (Non Alcoholic Fatty Liver Disease), Luca Miele (Policlinico Gemelli / UCSC) |
14.15 – 14.40 |
Intelligent triage for low back pain, Wendy Oude Nijeweme – d’Hollosy (University of Twente) |
14.40 – 15.05 |
Towards holistic profiling and personalized cancer treatment, Annemieke Witteveen (University of Twente) |
15.05 – 16.05 |
Pitches from R&D projects (10 minutes each)
16.05 – 16.30 |
Panel discussion: How AI can be integrated to Life Sciences and Healthcare |
16.30 – 17.00 |
Networking drinks |