The following table lists the major versions of Healthentia, including v1, which was not a Medical Device:

Date Version Basic UDI-DI Medical Device Class Intended purpose Competent authority/ NB
17-12-2019 v1 (MDD) not a MD - -
28-04-2020 v2 (MDD)



Class I Software intended for monitoring of non-vital parameters to support decision making during clinical trials. AFMPS (BE)
25-05-2021 v3 (MDD)


Class I Software intended for monitoring of non-vital parameters to support decision making and virtual coaching of patients during clinical trials or under a medical or wellbeing treatment context. AFMPS (BE)
01-03-2025 v4 (MDR)


Class lla HEALTHENTIA is a software intended for: a) the collection and transmission of physiological data including heart rate, blood pressure, oxygen saturation, and weight directly to care providers via automated electronic means in combination with validated IoT devices; b) the visualization (subjects-based dashboards) and the mathematical treatment of data (trends analysis, alerts) related to the monitored chronic disease subject’s physiological parameters; c) the transmission of patient’s outcomes and outcome scores related to patient’s health status, health-affecting factors, health-related quality of life, disease knowledge and adherence to treatment through validated questionnaires; d) the user (subject/patient) interaction with a conversational virtual coach for informative and motivational purposes, in order to support subject telemonitoring, decision making and virtual coaching.

Clinical indications: Telemonitoring of chronic disease patients (such as heart failure, cancer, COPD, etc.)

Patients target group: Chronic disease patients taking part of clinical investigation or a medical treatment

Intended users: Telemonitored patients and their healthcare professionals

Kiwa Dare Services