v3.8 Instructions for Use (IFU) – Patient (EN)

Download the latest version of the file: IFU-PAT_EN_(Version: v3.8, Date:13-05-2024)

v3.8 Instructions for Use (IFU) – Patient (IT)

Download the latest version of the file: IFU-PAT_IT (Version: v3.8, Date: 13-05-2024).

v3.8 Instructions for Use (IFU) – Patient (DE)

Download the latest version of the file: IFU-PAT_DE_(Version: v3.8, Date: 13-05-2024).

v3.8 Instructions for Use (IFU) – Patient (FR)

Download the latest version of the file: IFU-PAT_FR Version:_v3.8, Date: 13-05-2024).

v3.8 Instructions for Use (IFU) – Patient (NL)

Download the latest version of the file: IFU-PAT_NL_(Version: v3.8, Date: 13-05-2024).

v3.8 Instructions for Use (IFU) – Patient (FR-NL-DE)

Download the latest version of the file: IFU-PAT_FR-NL-DE (Version:_v3.8, Date: 13-05-2024).

v3.8 Instructions for Use (IFU) – Healthcare professionals (EN)

Download the latest version of the file: IFU-INV_EN_Healthentia (Version:_v3.8, Date: 13-05-2024).

v3.8 Instructions for Use (IFU) – Healthcare professionals (IT)

Download the latest version of the file: IFU-INV_IT_Healthentia (Version:_v3.8, Date: 13-05-2024).

v3.8 Instructions for Use (IFU) – Healthcare professionals (DE)

Download the latest version of the file: IFU-INV_DE_Healthentia_(Version: v3.8, Date: 13-05-2024).

v3.8 Instructions for Use (IFU) – Healthcare professionals (FR)

Download the latest version of the file: IFU-INV_FR_Healthentia (Version:_v3.8, Date: 13-05-2024).

v3.8 Instructions for Use (IFU) – Healthcare professionals (NL)

Download the latest version of the file: IFU-INV_NL_Healthentia_(Version: v3.8, Date: 13-05-2024).

Paper version of IFU: If you would like a paper version of the instructions for use, please contact the manufacturer at the following e-mail address: info@healthentia.com.
It will be delivered within 7 calendar days after receiving the request.

These are the previous versions IFUs:

Healthentia version Type IFU
v2 Patient FR – NL-DE Link
Patient EN Link
Inv EN Link
v3 Patient FR – NL-DE Link
Patient EN Link
Inv EN Link
v3.1 Patient FR – NL-DE Link
Patient EN Link
Inv EN Link
v3.2 Patient FR – NL-DE Link
Patient EN Link
Inv EN Link
v3.3 Patient EN Link
Patient IT Link
Patient DE Link
Patient FR Link
Patient NL Link
Inv EN Link
Inv IT Link
Inv DE Link
Inv FR Link
Inv NL Link
v3.4 Patient EN Link
Patient IT Link
Patient DE Link
Patient FR Link
Patient NL Link
Inv EN Link
Inv IT Link
Inv DE Link
Inv FR Link
Inv NL Link
v3.5 Patient EN Link
Patient IT Link
Patient DE Link
Patient FR Link
Patient NL Link
Patient FR-NL-DE Link
Inv EN Link
Inv IT Link
Inv DE Link
Inv FR Link
Inv NL Link
v3.6 Patient EN Link
Patient IT Link
Patient DE Link
Patient FR Link
Patient NL Link
Patient FR-NL-DE Link
Inv EN Link
Inv IT Link
Inv DE Link
Inv FR Link
Inv NL Link
v3.7 Patient EN Link
Patient IT Link
Patient DE Link
Patient FR Link
Patient NL Link
Patient FR-NL-DE Link
Inv EN Link
Inv IT Link
Inv DE Link
Inv FR Link
Inv NL Link